Supplements brands in e-Commerce

Supplements brands in e-Commerce

Dietary trends may come and go, but some things remain constant – people will always be looking to improve and enhance their health. Such priorities have only risen in recent years, with supplement brands’ sales figures seeing a substantial spike, mainly in the e-Commerce channel. Experts believe that this change in priorities is here to stay.

It is also worth noting that consumer habits have changed. Almost half of Americans have increased their online shopping habits of consumer goods. These adjustments include the online purchase of supplements (supplement brands in e-Commerce). Sales in this industry are expected to double by 2022. In addition, experts claim that 25% of all supplements will be purchased online within the next two decades.

Naturally, this interest in supplements provides an opportunity for a business to flourish. To remain profitable, however, particular protocols will need to be observed. The most important of these is staying ahead of the ever-changing landscape that surrounds supplementation. 

Staying Ahead of the Wave

The key to understanding supplement trends, and by extension tomorrow’s bestselling products, is to maintain a keen eye on dietary interests and lifestyle developments. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many of the most popular supplements of 2021 are based on events of the previous year. Many people seek natural ways to manage stress and anxiety, alongside attempts to bolster Vitamin D in the face of prolonged periods spent indoors.

Letting Food Guide You

Be sure to investigate trends likely to arise around food and dieting, too, though. In 2021, it seems that the ketogenic diet maintains its place in the hearts and minds of the American public. However, be on the lookout because it will only take one public figure popularizing a diet plan for this to change. Sign up for updates from influencers and experts, whether that’s a medical professional’s blog or a Kardashian family member’s Instagram feed. Supplement requirements link to food trends, so while fatty acids and electrolytes are hot today, something else may arise tomorrow.

Listening to the Data

By pre-empting the needs of customers, you’ll also attract more business. After all, modern consumers do not want to hear a snazzy sales pitch. They want to feel that a supplier understands their needs and desires without being told. By capturing first-party data from these consumers, you can build a customer profile. Such approaches enable a business to target return users, building a relationship based on mutual trust and loyalty. Keep in mind that in order to have access to your customer’s demographics (location, age range, gender, product purchased, frequency of purchase, etc.) you need to channel your sales via your own website.

Becoming a Lifestyle Brand

Returning customers can be up to five times more profitable than new business, so this approach is essential. Trust is everything, so make it clear that your business is more than just another supplier of consumer goods. Take a content marketing approach, packing your online presence with diet, lifestyle, and personal health information. Ultimately, you are not selling products to customers. You are opening a conversation about a superior lifestyle to interested parties. The fact that you’ll turn a profit in doing so is a welcome bonus.

At Ameriworld Fulfillment, we are uniquely positioned to serve a wide array of industries – including vitamin and supplement brands. We have worked with countless businesses of various sizes, and as a result, we have discovered the secrets shared by brands that went on to enjoy success. We hope that we can aid and inspire the next great entrepreneur by sharing our findings and discoveries.   
